
drive into是什么意思翻译_drive into的音标怎么读

drive into

na. 把…赶进去;(风等把…)吹积成;把(功课等)灌输给

[网络] 驶入;撞上;敲进

drive into

na. 把…赶进去;(风等把…)吹积成;把(功课等)灌输给

[网络] 驶入;撞上;敲进

drive intodrive into
1.翻译:赶进He drove cows into the house.他把母牛赶进屋。The cows were driven into the barn.牛被赶进了牲口棚。
2.翻译:敲入The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale.渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内。He drove a nail into the wall.他把钉子钉在墙上。A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.木桩被牢牢钉进土地里。
3.翻译:灌输Can't you drive some manners into the boy?难道你不能教这孩子懂些礼貌?How can I drive into him why he shouldn't drink so much?我怎么才能给他讲明白不能喝这么多酒的道理呢?
4.翻译:迫使处于(某种)状态The failure drove him into despair.这次失败使他绝望了。

drive into
1.翻译:驱车进入,开车驶入,把(汽车)开进:She drove the car into the garage.她把车开进车库。to drive into a police car驾车撞上警车
2.翻译:把…赶进:to drive cows into a cowshed把乳牛赶进牛棚
3.翻译:把…敲进:He drove the nail into the wood.他把钉子敲进木头。to drive a stake into the ground把木桩打入地里
4.翻译:逼使,迫使…陷入(某种境地或状态):to drive one into a passion使某人勃然大怒to drive someone into a corner把某人逼得走投无路;难倒某人
5.翻译:[口语]把…强行灌输给;对…不断强调,反复地教:I tried to drive into them why they shouldn't smoke so much.我设法叫他们明白不该抽烟的道理。